There is a lot of dilemma associated with senior dating. On one hand we have the ‘society’ telling love, romance and dating is only for a certain age group and post a certain age, all opportunities of love, dating and romance have gone. On the other hand, there is some strong feeling deep inside you, that still makes you feels like a teenager, regardless of the age on your driver’s license and your inner self knows it is never too late to find love. When the second category is yours, these ten tips here would help you in the process.
- Begin by working on your relationship with yourself. If you are not at peace from within, you cannot have a healthy external relationship too. Always remember, at this point in life you are looking for someone to share the love you have within and not for someone who can give you love.
- Drop the barrier your age has got into you. You need not act responsible and serious all the time. A little laughter and fun here and there-always was and would always-be the primary rule of dating.
- Be aware of the happenings around you. You would need material to fill your initial conversations with. If you do not have enough topics to talk about, an awkward silence would prevail and ruin you date.
- Give a thought on the kind of person you are looking for and make it clear. This would enable both of you with confidence to think about moving ahead in the relationship.
- Don’t let your past dominate the conversation. You could have lost a cherished spouse or been through a bad divorce, its ok. It should not be the primary topic of discussion on your first date. Focus on enjoying each other’s company and try not to dwell in an emotional account of your life so early.
- Don’t take your children’s opinions so early in a relationship. Leave your kids back home (both mentally and physically!). It is ok to listen to them and their views, but make your own decisions, not centering on your children alone.
- Take each date afresh. Do not compare each new person with an older one. Senior dating is not only for filling in the shoes for a lost partner. It is about beginning afresh and looking for newer aspects to love a person, as each person is unique.
- Work on your self confidence. Confidence makes a person attractive. The past might have been bad. But now that you have decided to start a new chapter of life, leave behind the past shortfalls.
- Don’t take any refusals personally. Not everyone in the world is supposed to like you. Do not sulk, move on.
- The best place to find singles of your age is online websites. Join in a reputed site and create an account with a recent image of yourself, even if you do not look very attractive at this age.
There is no association between being a senior and desiring love, romance and companionship in life. Yes, at around half a century of age, it might have been quite some time you have been in the dating game, so getting back would not be very easy. So if you are a senior citizen, a baby bloomer or someone who has recently lost love, and are looking to begin afresh by finding someone special to add back the tingle in your life, these tips would help you brush up your skills!