I remember as a child sitting around my grandmother’s kitchen with my aunts and my mother and the discussion of skin care arose. My grandmother was in her 50’s then and she always had these little jars of eye cream and facial cleanser that included a moisturizer. My grandmother always had beautiful skin even at age 90. She really didn’t spend a whole lot of money to invest in her skin. She just had some great genes and never smoked and drank in moderation.
People 70 years ago seemed to age a lot quicker than women do now. The styles were different and women in their 50’s were mainly homemakers and relied on their gardens to get them through the winter. The key was they used all natural foods back then and the aging process differed than it does now.
My grandmother told me if I wanted to have great looking skin as I aged, to eat whole natural foods, and drink plenty of water and exercise. She said a little color from the sun wouldn’t hurt my face as long as I did everything in moderation. I asked her about my skin when I was in my forties because I still didn’t have any lines or wrinkles. I asked her if I should wear liquid makeup and use facial powder yet. Her answer to that was no. She told me the diet I had chosen since my teens and all the swimming and biking I did, paid off and I had the skin of a 20 year old in my mid-forties. My grandmother told me to wait and start using facial products in my fifties if I really thought I needed them. She told me to continue what I was doing and I shouldn’t have any problems. She suggested a moisturizer but I still had oily skin in my forties, so at that time I didn’t require a moisturizer.
Grandmother said it all depends on the person and what their needs were. My skin was dark and oily and I drank loads of water throughout my life and that all contributed to my skin looking so young. I also wasn’t menopausal yet so that helped as well because our skin changes as we lose estrogen in our bodies when we age.
I am now in my late 50’s and the years I invested naturally in my body have helped me retain my elasticity and smoothness of my skin. I use a moisturizer in the winter with a spf ingredient but in the summer my skin is still oily. I never used foundation because my skin was smooth and I didn’t need it. Eye creams are nice for moisturizing those tiny crow’s feet, but I haven’t really got those yet either. I really believe that all the years of my workouts caused my own natural human growth hormone to kick in and preserve my skin and body. Thank you Grandmother.